Saturday, July 3, 2010

"dynastic politics and congress"

"i would step down anytime rahul is ready to take the post of primeminister"-says manmohan
i or any layman like me need not read in to the lines to understand what our honourable pm wants to say .He is just saying what congress or madam sonia gandhi wants him to say.It took me 6 years and two general elections to make a better opinion of this economist cum political primeminister and with this horrifying statement that opinion gets to squre one and leads me to a similar statement by this gentleman 6 years back during one of his public meetings where as a primeminister he said"main yahan sonia gandhiji ka sandesha lekar aaya hoon " hearing that i was embarrased that a great country like india has got a well foreign educated postman instead of a primeminister.
This journey of a political family heading congress is nothing new .shri jawaharlal nehru,smt indira gandhi ,shri rajeev gandhi pseudo leader at centre and congress chairperson sonia gandhi and now the "too be " rahul gandhi " u just need to be from the clan and intrested then u have a constituency in ths country called amethi from where u stand talk about ur grandpa or paa or maa and they will not even ask you who u urself are and vote for u. thats it! u become a mp then there is a party where every senior leader takes a back seat since u r from that family and u become the next face of the nation how easy it is!!!!
rahul gandhi proved himself because he had a platform but how many times had he talked on issues of national and international importance on nuclear liability bill,bofors issue,ajmal kasab case ,or the bhopal gas tragedy he can become pm any day he wants, but we want him to talk sense he has matured no doubt he was thrown to limelight he made errors rather than blunder which even made pakistani leaders angry and he learnt from them ,he toned his voice he checked his statements but still he acts like a corporate who is on a mission to recruit employees for his company by telling them how great his company is and how great is its future or someone who is trying to connect people by using the tricks which his father and grandmother have succesfully tried and reaped benefits.
I am not here to demean someone "who am i to do so" or what have i achieved to talk in this way but still the facts need to come out and i am writing for that sole purpouse i dont ask people to support me i just want people to read and think that am i right?

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