Saturday, July 3, 2010

"journey is too long"

"hari anant hari katha ananta , kahahi sunahi bahu vidhi sab santa"
This line from Ramcharitmanas says gods decription and his stories lead to infinity and since ages people have been listening and interpreting them .Iam not gonna do the same .The title of my blog says journey is too long and here i with all my intrested ,forced and persuaded readers embark on this journey of thoughts ideas and explorations which may lead us in to that infinity about which the scriptures talk about,this does not mean we are going to talk in spirutualistic terms but the motto goes see the things defferently because this blog is"its different". everytime i put my thinking cap on i need to look the things with another perspective,not because i am use to do this ecxercise rather because a few thing need a different outlook to be understood properly .Its not about following blindly because everything cant be fashion if i start criticising someone that does not mean others should do the same if they do i will be happy because there will be few more voices sounding the same but then what about their thoughts are they not blindly following what i say,so on first day i tell my readers never ever follow blindly what i say , analyse,and then think and then follow because then u will be a big support to me because our journey is against deaf,dumb,blind faith,illogical issue creation and creating a hype of everything and just talking about something without knowing enough just because its a hot topic and on every nuke and corner people are discussing about it.i am not sarcastic rather i am realistic for eg. now a days u would find people who have never seen football talk about it in style just because its hot!! topic and will make brazilian player play for argentina on a day when italy is playing one match and france the other they cant add any more team names because these are only four or five names they know about.
so i start this journey to hit hard,talk slow be serious and a bit sarcastic if needed but exploring things differently because its different!!!

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